Page 22 - Technology_Based_Magic
P. 22

22  |  Technology Based Magic

           MAGIC MODELS

            immersive worlds

                                  Sometimes  an  animation  or  a  movie  is  not  enough.  And  you  want  something  eye-
                                  catching,  something  different.  Why  not  try  our  custom-made  3D  printed,  miniature
                                  models?  Our  models  are  made  of  high  quality,  durable  and  biodegradable  PLA.
                                  Each model is built in our 3D software and printed in our in-house 3D printing farm.

                                  We can enhance each model with LED lights, gears and motors to give them motion and

                                  Or…  we  can  take  it  a  step  further,  and  project  animated  textures  on  the  miniature
                                  models. This gives the illusion of true life.
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